Means of payment
logo CB Bank card:
This service allows you to make an online payment using your credit card.
When this payment mode is selected, you will be offered a link to the website of "Credit Agricole".
Perform then your payment online on the site safely.
When the payment will be made , you will be redirected to the C -ball site.
The PayPal service allows you to make an online payment.
The payment can be done online :
* Using a Paypal account,
* Using a credit card.
So you do not have to have a Paypal account to make online payment.
When this payment mode is selected, you will be offered a link to the paypal site.
Then make your online payment on the Paypal site safely.
When the payment will be made , you will be redirected to the C -ball site.
Virement Bank Transfert :
Our bank details are :
Credit Agricol Alsace Vosges, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges FRANCE
International :
IBAN : FR76 1720 6002 7663 0120 7976 223

When the order is placed , you will get back the information about the bank account C -ball.
The bank transfer must be made by you , using the information made available.
The order will be processed once the transfer made.
